Past PARC Symposia

2024 Neuromodulation Symposium Archive 

Introductions and Keynote address 







Deep Brain and Spinal Cord Stimulation 





Peripheral Nerve Stimulation





Non-invasive Stimulation 





Deep Brain Stimulation for Chronic Pain 


Personalized Closed-Loop DBS for Major Depression


2023 PARC Retreat 

Introductions and Clincal Case session 







Buprenorphine Working Group session 







PARC Fellows' Topical Presentations session







Brief Talks session and Conclusion














Conference opening and welcome  






Claudia Sommer, MD 

"The immune system in neuropathic pain: what we learn from patients"  
Professor of Neurology 
University of Wurzburg, Germany
President, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)






David Bennett, PhD 

"Applying a multi-modal approach to understanding neuropathic pain: small neurons in the era of big data"
 Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology;
 Head, Division of Clinical Neurology
 University of Oxford, England






Stephen Waxman, MD PhD 

"Heroes and Hooligans:  Gene Variants, Pain, and Pain Resilience"
Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience;
Director, Center for Neuroscience and Regeneration Research 
Yale University 






Panel Discussion/Q&A






Trevor Robbins, PhD 

"Compulsive Behavior:  Precursors and Mediators"  
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience;  
Director, Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute (BCNI) 
University of Cambridge, England






George Koob, PhD 

"Opioid Addiction:  Opponent Process, Hyperkatifeia and Negative Reinforcement"  
Director, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA);  
National Institutes of Health






Rajita Sinha, PhD 

"Overlapping Mechanisms of Chronic Stress and Pain"
Professor of Psychiatry and of Neuroscience
Director, Yale Interdisciplinary Stress Center 
Yale University 






Panel Discussion/Q & A 






Dr. Lawrence Poree - "Chronic Pain:  Failures of the Past and Prospects for the Future"







Dr. Barry Zevin - "Harm Reduction Addiction Medicine:  Homeless Health Care and Beyond"







Dr. Stefan Friedrichsdorf - "Opioid Prescribing in Pediatrics: Who Misuses Opioids. . .  and Why?"

With panel dicussion 







Dr. Allan Basbaum - "What does the basic science crystal ball say about the future of pain management?"







Dr. Dorit Ron - "Molecular mechanisms in Corticostriatal Circuitries that Drive or Gate Alcohol Use"







Dr. Aashish Manglik- "Traversing chemical space to elucidate GPCR function"

With panel discussion 







Dr. Howard Fields - Conclusions