PARC members are UCSF faculty—clinical investigators, providers of patient care, laboratory scientists, epidemiologists, and socio-behavioral scientists—who span numerous academic departments within the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, the Graduate School, as well as the Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science. Their areas of focus and research portfolios align them within one or more of PARC’s five research themes. These five PARC themes include: Prevention and Treatment; Education; Disparities; Pediatrics; and Cancer Pain.
PARC Associate Members are UCSF trainees, graduate students, clinical fellows, post-doctoral fellows, research staff or specialists, as well as faculty, clinicians, and scientists outside of UCSF who have research and clinical interests related to pain and addiction.
The collaborative culture within UCSF helps to foster transdisciplinary approaches to significant clinical and research questions.
Christine Anastasiou Kerstin Kolodzie Tessa Rife
Brian Anderson Deanna Kroetz Jessica Ristau
Alexander Bazazi Era Kryzhanovskaya Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio
Marilyn Bazinski Kathy LeSaint Andrea Rosati
Pam Bellefeuille Paul Lindenfeld Michael Rowbotham
Penny Brennan Sharmila Majumdar Shuvo Roy
Yifan Cheng Aashish Manglik Jessica Rubin
Addision Cuneo Elyssa Margolis Derek Satre
Deborah French Marlene Martin Jason Satterfield
Amy Gelfand Jenifer Matthews Karen Seal
Roy Gerona Mervyn Maze Shira Shavit
Carolyn Gibson Meredith Meacham Prasad Shirvalkar
Alison Giovanelli Nicky Mehtani Joanne Spetz
Paul Green Veronika Mesheriakova Paul Su
Janet Ho Steven Pantilat Matthew Tierney
Valerie Jackson Jeanne Paz Karen Villanueva
Kelly Knight Kathleen Puntillo Maggie Waung
Kord Kober Akshar Rambachan Tricia Wright
Associate Members
Gabrielle Agin-Liebes Bradley Heinz Jordan Newmark
Benedict Alter Nick Hoppe Thomas O'Laughlin
Dioneia Araldi Lori Karan Kirsten Obernier
Kathy Bailey Sakeen Kashem Alan Ross
Peter Behel Christina Keny Wolfgang Sadee
Suzanne Bergman Abeer Khurram Deepti Sanku
Oliver Bogen Gretchen Kiser William Schmidt
Dan Brounstein Kate LaForge Leslie Suen
Cynthia Campbell Kyle Lakatos Kimberly Topp
Xiaoke Chen Erica Langnas Elayne Vieira Dias
Theora Cimino Cindy Liu Chase Webb
Andrew Crowther E. Javier Lopez Soto Hiroki Yamanaka
Celeste Enriquez Maha Mian Dokyoung You
Juliet Gasey Julian Motzkin Yang Yulin
Ian Gould Mikhail Nemenov Jingying (Sarah) Zhang
Victoria Guan