Annals of neurology

An Approach to Successful Development of Clinician-Scientists in Neurology: The NINDS R25 Experience.

Annals of neurology

Josephson SA, Tennekoon MS, Carmichael ST, Cash SS, Detre JA, Hillis AE, Pennell PB, Pomeroy SL, Richerson GB, Sansing LH, Korn SJ

Inability to consent does not diminish the desirability of stroke thrombolysis.

Annals of neurology

Chiong W, Kim AS, Huang IA, Farahany NA, Josephson SA

Quo vadis? Peering into the future.

Annals of neurology

Hauser SL, Johnston SC, Ferriero DM, Josephson SA, Lowenstein DH, Messing RO, Oksenberg JR

Have the Annals editors added value?

Annals of neurology

Johnston SC, Ferriero DM, Josephson SA, Lowenstein DH, Messing RO, Oksenberg J, Stewart A, Hauser SL

Reviewing how we review.

Annals of neurology

Stephen L. Hauser, S. Andrew Josephson, S. Claiborne Johnston

Capturing the aversive state of cephalic pain preclinically.

Annals of neurology

De Felice M, Eyde N, Dodick D, Dussor GO, Ossipov MH, Fields HL, Porreca F

Blockbusters for cheap? The difficulties surrounding generic biologics.

Annals of neurology

Josephson SA, Johnston SC, Hauser SL

Acute seizures predict epilepsy after childhood stroke.

Annals of neurology

Fox CK, Glass HC, Sidney S, Lowenstein DH, Fullerton HJ

The neurologic revolving door: time to pay attention to readmissions.

Annals of neurology

Josephson SA, Johnston SC, Hauser SL

Multiple sclerosis: monotherapy rules.

Annals of neurology

Hauser SL, Josephson SA, Johnston SC
