Amber Fitzsimmons, DPTSc

PARC Core Leader for the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
Associate Professor and Chair
Physical Therapy
+1 415 514-6771

Dr. Fitzsimmons is an Associate Professor with joint appointments in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and the School of Medicine’s Anatomy Department, and was named Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science on July 1, 2018. Prior to her return to academia for her doctorate research, she worked for over a decade in clinical practice with an emphasis on acute care and acute rehabilitation. She is the UCSF/SFSU Program Co-Director for the Graduate Program in Physical Therapy and spearheaded the inclusion of a longitudinal pain science curriculum in the DPT Program. She teaches gross anatomy in both Physical Therapy and Medicine and is the 735/737: Psychosocial Issues in Rehabilitation Sciences, for second-year students. This course emphasizes a trauma informed care approach to building a strong therapeutic alliance particularly with patients experiencing pain and addiction.


Cultural Responsiveness in Academic Physical Therapy: An Administrative Case Report.

Physical therapy

Kennedy VK, Temple S, Pak S, Scheid A, Teherani A, Schaaf M, Fitzsimmons A

Commentary on Chapter 20: Perspective from the School of Physical Therapy, University of California, San Francisco.

Remediation in Medical Education

Amber Fitzsimmons, Kai Kennedy, Theresa Jaramillo, Andrew Lui

Grappling With Professionalism: A Developmental Approach to a Dynamic Concept.

Journal of Physical Therapy Education

Kathryn C. Nesbit, Amber Fitzsimmons

Interprofessional peer teaching: The value of a pharmacy student-led pharmacology course for physical therapy students.

Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning

Hsia S, Tran DN, Beechinor R, Gahbauer A, Fitzsimmons A, Brock T

Integrative Health: An Interprofessional Standardized Patient Case for Prelicensure Learners.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Rivera J, de Lisser R, Dhruva A, Fitzsimmons A, Hyde S, Reddy S, Tsourounis C, Adler SR

Teaching interprofessional collaborative care skills using a blended learning approach.

Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice

Angel K. Chen, Cathi Dennehy, Amber Fitzsimmons, Susan Hyde, Kirby Lee, Josette Rivera, Rebecca Shunk, Maria Wamsley

Investigation into Physical Therapist Students’ Interprofessional Experiences During an 8-Week Clinical Clerkship: A Qualitative Study.

Journal of Physical Therapy Education

Amber Fitzsimmons, Kimberly S. Topp, Bridget C. O'Brien

Interprofessional team debriefings with or without an instructor after a simulated crisis scenario: An exploratory case study.

Journal of interprofessional care

Boet S, Pigford AA, Fitzsimmons A, Reeves S, Triby E, Bould MD

A learner developed longitudinal interprofessional education curriculum.

Journal of interprofessional care

Fitzsimmons A, Cisneros B, Samore J

Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE): The Case of “Elsie Smith”.


Josette Rivera, Michi Yukawa, Susan Hyde, Amber Fitzsimmons, Janelle Christman, Alice Gahbauer, Alison Scheid, Maria Wamsley

Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE): The Case of “Elsie Smith”. MedEdPORTAL; 2013

Interprofessional Standardized Patient Exercise (ISPE): The Case of “Elsie Smith”. MedEdPORTAL; 2013.

Rivera J, Yukawa M, Hyde S, Fitzsimmons A, Christman J, Gahbauer A, Scheid A, Wamsley M.