Amber Fitzsimmons, DPTSc
Dr. Fitzsimmons is an Associate Professor with joint appointments in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and the School of Medicine’s Anatomy Department, and was named Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science on July 1, 2018. Prior to her return to academia for her doctorate research, she worked for over a decade in clinical practice with an emphasis on acute care and acute rehabilitation. She is the UCSF/SFSU Program Co-Director for the Graduate Program in Physical Therapy and spearheaded the inclusion of a longitudinal pain science curriculum in the DPT Program. She teaches gross anatomy in both Physical Therapy and Medicine and is the 735/737: Psychosocial Issues in Rehabilitation Sciences, for second-year students. This course emphasizes a trauma informed care approach to building a strong therapeutic alliance particularly with patients experiencing pain and addiction.